Strange Bedfellows: Lagerphones and Antique Dolls
Is there any possible connection between Lagerphones and antique dolls?
Linden New Art, in partnership with the Jewish Museum of Australia, presents Strange Bedfellows, a series of snack-sized lectures on seemingly unrelated topics.
Strange Bedfellows pairs two specialists in their fields addressing wildly different subjects, followed by questions from the audience. During the first part of the program, the presenters share their specialised knowledge in a short and sharp 20-minute lecture, while the audience gets to listen and learn. But during the Q&A, anything can happen as audience members make strange and wonderful connections.
In this event, bushwhacker Dobe Newton and antique doll specialist Graeme Horne will go head to head on their topics of choice. Gather your friends, prepare to learn some fascinating facts and compete to see if you can come up with the winning question. Prizes will be awarded to those with the best connections.
Image: Serge Thomann, Mirka Mora with antique doll, Melbourne, Australia